As believers, we know the profound significance of lighting a candle as a symbol of our faith and devotion.
Wasn’t There Some Sort of Secret?
One hundred years on, the Message of Fatima is more urgent than ever.
Save Notre Dame – Petition for Tradition
Save Notre Dame Cathedral! Petition to save Notre Dame Cathedral from disfigurement.
What do Lourdes and Fatima Have in Common?
Today, I want to share some thoughts about the link between Fatima and Lourdes.
Youth Was Made for Heroism
Evening shadows deepen as darkness falls. The heat of the day is fading before the refreshing coolness of evening.
A Catholic Answer to the Dilemma of Getting Old
This saint was equally beautiful in her youth and her old age.
The Power of Prayer
When you are down, when it seems your prayers are never heard, remember that Our Lady worked a miracle.
On a Beautiful Summer Day
The amazing story of Fatima continues to inspire millions of people around the world, even today.
A Bush Fire Fought by the Virgin Mary
Here is a true story that will give you more courage and confidence in Our Lady.